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  • Writer's pictureDany Goldraij

Marketing Mistakes: 5 Tactics You Should Never Use and Why

Updated: Jun 4

arrogant tactics

Are you tired of wasting your time and money on marketing tactics that don't work? Have you ever wondered why some businesses succeed while others fail miserably in their marketing efforts? Well, you're not alone.

In the marketing world, there are specific tactics that should never be used, and I'm here to tell you why.

Marketing is all about connecting with your target audience and persuading them to take action. But sometimes, businesses make crucial mistakes that not only fail to engage their audience but also damage their brand reputation. This article will explore five common marketing tactics you should never use and the reasons behind their ineffectiveness.

By understanding these mistakes and avoiding them in your marketing strategies, you can save yourself from wasting time, money, and effort and instead focus on tactics that will drive results and help your business thrive. So, let's dive in and uncover the marketing pitfalls you should avoid.

Today any business owner understands the importance of having a solid presence. Making your business available to your potential customers is your marketing team's first and foremost task.

The Do-Not List: 5 Marketing Mistakes You Should Never Make

Sell solutions, not products

Customers know that they have any problems that they want someone to solve. Customers want to hear about how you will solve their problem, not about the services you provide or who is using your product/solutions.

arrogant tactics - solutions

Forget Your Product: Start Selling 'Solutions' Instead ”Selling a solution requires that companies fundamentally change how they do business: Instead of pushing products, they must create genuine connections with other people. The solution-selling methodology requires lasting relationships with clients whose goal is always to find new ways to help.”

Talking about yourself

Getting to know your prospects and clients is essential. You want to have a good relationship with them. They also want to learn about you. But this doesn’t mean you should spend most of your time tooting your horn.

Potential customers don’t care about you, your products, or your services. Customers or potential customers like to ask questions; they are ready to listen. They want to know how YOU SOLVE their problem or what they care about is how you can help them.

arrogant tactics - tell about yourself

Potential customers don’t care about you, your products, or your services. Customers or potential customers like to ask questions; they are ready to listen. They want to know how YOU SOLVE their problem or what they care about is how you can help them.

Your customers don’t care about your product. Don’t worry; they don’t care about your competitor’s products either. Your customers don’t care about any products. Thankfully, your customers care about something, so they buy your product.

Our product has these features…

Listing product features is not an effective strategy to capture a prospect's attention. It bores them. I hope a client will find a feature they need: grasping at straws.

A better use of your time would be to research, understand your customers’ needs, and cater your pitch to address those needs.

  • Successful products have features that give customers the benefits they need. When you get it right, your product will likely be a hit!

  • Come up with features that meet customer needs.

Focusing on the product over the customer

Nobody cared about which processor the material or the colors the products were. When you present your products, show the benefits of the products, not their features.

arrogant tactics - we build relationships

Customer focus means putting your customers' needs first. Customer-focused businesses foster a company culture that enhances customer satisfaction and builds strong customer relationships.

According to the Zendesk Customer Experience, Customer focus is the foundation for customer loyalty because it's your promise to your customers that you’ll put them first.

74 percent of customers feel loyal to a particular company, with 52 percent reporting that they go out of their way to buy from their favorite brands

Not monitoring your success.

It’s essential to monitor your success with each channel; asking questions, such as how they heard about your business, is critical. For example, I am no longer doing “cold calls” because it is a waste of time and the calls are an “excellent way” to anger and annoy customers.

arrogant tactics - not monitoring

Monitoring your initiative can help you weigh your actions against the results to see if you are meeting the community's and your initiative's goals. In a sense, monitoring data enables you to understand how well the initiative functions.

Monitoring can help pinpoint where the initiative's actions are not producing the desired effects.

Additionally, the monitoring system can help you:

  • A better understanding of the initiative

  • Make decisions concerning the programming of the initiative

  • Promote awareness of accomplishments

  • Recruit support

  • Secure funding

Being over-aggressive

Sometimes, you will have to take “no” for an answer. Avoid being over-aggressive or laying it on too thick when establishing a client relationship.

arrogant tactics - over aggressive

While aggression can be good for business, it’s not always the best option when dealing with people – whether they’re customers or coworkers. If things don’t go well and someone becomes hostile, this is a sign that you might need to switch up your approach. It’s possible you won’t get what you want if the person feels taken advantage of by being aggressively pushed into something they disagreed on

It’s company policy

How often do your people say, “It’s against company policy,” to avoid doing extra work to devise the right solution for the customer or fix an internal problem?

No one wants to hear a sales rep say this, especially when you have a problem you are trying to solve. They (customers) care about getting good service.

There is a better way to handle the nonstandard request that, when done correctly, can lead to a win-win. Good organizations have varying degrees of flexibility when some rule doesn’t fit the circumstances or has evolved into irrelevancy.

It will cost between….

You know what will happen if you give a client a price range rather than a specific price. They are going to want your product or service for a lower price.

The price you charge for your product or service is one of your most critical business decisions.

Setting a price that is too high or too low will - at best - limit your business growth. At worst, it could cause severe problems for your sales and cash flow.

If you're starting a business, carefully consider your pricing strategy before you start. Established companies can improve their profitability through regular pricing reviews.

Follow these good tactics.

arrogant tactics -find solutions

Set Goals:

Set your goals and make them happen

  • Put your focus on one or two things to reach your goals

  • Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards. ...

  • Please write it down. Carefully. ...

  • Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also seems to increase the likelihood that we will stick to them.

  • Break your goal down. ...

  • Plan your first step. ...

  • Keep going. ...

  • Celebrate.

arrogant tactics - follow your passion

Passion is what drives you to succeed.

Passion is the fuel that inspires and drives people toward specific goals, no matter how unlikely or complex they might be. It generates the enthusiasm to plow through the most significant obstacles and overcome the most intractable challenges. It inspires loyalty, teamwork, hard work, and success.

Web Traffic:

Let me tell you an uncomfortable truth about traffic quantity. It doesn’t matter what your traffic volume is. If you have no traffic, "Quality Traffic" is unimportant to that blog or website. 

arrogant tactics - web traffic

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